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Sands Labradoodle's is taking care and limiting contact as per current Government bans and following recommendations for social distancing and hygiene. The good news is that dogs and puppies don't carry the virus or pass it to humans, they are safe! (Yeah!).




We will be sure to post any news or updates from our trusted friends at JetPets, our local council, the RSPCA in addition to any Government updates when we hear about them. 




Interstate Travel 

Flying (out of Brisbane Airport): We are now trialling flying puppies domestically (Qld) and to New South Wales and Melbourne. Buyer assumes all travel costs and understands that during COVID times there may be unexpected delays with flights. Flights will be organised through Dogtainers.



Local Puppy Pick Ups

With local puppy pick ups, we normally do a 45 minute to an hour handover with a big check list that we go through with you when you collect your puppy. At this stage we will try to do our check list with you via phone prior to picking your puppy up. We can go over any questions you have at this time also. We do ask that you advise us if you have been in any contact with anyone who has or is being tested for the Corona virus and if you have been in self isolation.

We are trying to put together a video clips of a handover so we can show you things such as grooming and little training sessions (advance apologies for the amateur production quality!).  On pick up day, we ask that only one family member come inside (the rest of you can come but will have to stay in the car) and we will do a quick hand over on the day.   If we get enough interest and have the time (eg. no new litters to care for), we may look at doing a puppy family get together down the track at a local park once this has all passed so we can all really meet and say hello, do a little grooming maintenance  session and go over any questions. 


Wait Listing for a puppy

You are welcome to go on our paid wait list and understand that we cannot make any guarantees in these uncertain times.


Puppy Socialisation

There are a lot of safe, fun and easy ways to socialise your puppy when they get home. Socialisation is important for pups and we will provide you with an information sheet full of tips and ways to ensure your pup gets the right socialisation safely and stress free (and keep the kids busy hehe) and we will help you out as much as we can.  There are also great apps available that help with sound proofing your puppy, puppy training apps and lots more (and they never a bad tool to have in the tool box with any new pup). 



There is a lot of information out there so if in doubt it is always best to speak to your local vet as they be able to keep you informed of up-to-date information on COVID-19 they are always happy to help you keep your pets safe.


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