Wonderful things come in furry packages
PIXEL'S Large Mini/Small Medium Litter
7 stunning fleece coat puppies in Gold variations (Gold/Caramel/Cream/Red)
Pixel's Large Mini/Small Medium Litter
Size: Small Medium/Medium (Approx. 16.5-17.5" and approx 6-11 kgs)
There are two smaller pups and I think the rest of them will get to small medium in size
Generation : ALF4 (Pure)
​Colours : Gold/Caramel/Cream/Red Fleece Coats
Coats : Fleece Coats - 4 Boys and 3 Girls
Pixel is such an all rounder and happy go lucky girl who has always doted on any young pups which earned her the nickname of Nanny McPhee as she is so sweet, snuggly and gentle and just loves to be involved. We have no doubt her sweet nature will be carried on her fur kids.
HOME DATE : (Interstate) 22-23 rd December (To be confirmed with airpline) For Local (Ipswich) 22nd December (Sunday)
Pricing and available pups are listed in each application form.
For more great information, please visit our FAQ's page including pricing and allocation processes.
These puppies will be offered to our wait listed families but please feel free to complete an application form should you be interested in this litter
We hope to keep two girls from this litter for breeding. If you live within an hour of Ipswich & think you have what it takes & you would like a labradoodle puppy for a fraction of the price please visit our guardian page for more information or complete an application form below.
Puppy Gallery Coming Soon
More puppy photos can be on our Facebook Page
(Make sure you remember to like and share our page )
Week 1 Week 3 Week 5 Week 7
Black Ribbon Boy

Green Ribbon Boy

Brown Ribbon Boy
Orange Ribbon Boy
Pink Ribbon Girl

Red Ribbon Girl

Yellow Ribbon Girl